
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crisis Control Center | Crisis Management Structures

Add a note hereThe company should either establish a permanent facility in which to manage crisis events (if the frequency and scope of crises facing its business activities warrant such an investment) or develop and preposition portable crisis management resources to quickly establish a temporary crisis control center within an operating area. Alternatively, a virtual crisis management center may be more preferable in terms of cost and ease of management. It is critical that resources enable the crisis team to communicate with multiple groups, both those dealing with a crisis at the point of the emergency as well as those leveraged or contracted to support the resolution of a crisis. Multiple mediums for communication are often required, as the crisis event may have affected one or several communication lines. The following considerations are offered to assist companies in provisioning an effective crisis control center:


§  Add a note hereLandlines, satellite phones, and mobile phones
§  Add a note hereFax machine
§  Add a note hereVideoconferencing

Information Technology

§  Add a note hereComputers and printers
§  Add a note hereInternet connectivity
§  Add a note herePowerPoint and monitors


§  Add a note hereStatus boards and personnel rosters
§  Add a note hereAction plans and operational instructions
§  Add a note hereManagement and interface structures
§  Add a note hereAction boards and personnel status tracker
§  Add a note hereImplemented plan tracker
§  Add a note hereIntranet management site


§  Add a note hereIntelligence reports
§  Add a note hereNews channels (television and radio)
§  Add a note hereIntelligence briefing boards
§  Add a note hereOngoing directives
§  Add a note hereStatus reports
§  Add a note hereThreat reviews


§  Add a note hereBusiness Continuity Management Plan
§  Add a note hereSecurity plans and exhibits
§  Add a note hereAgreements and contact lists

Mapping and Imagery

§  Add a note hereRegional and local maps
§  Add a note hereSatellite and aerial photography
§  Add a note hereSchematics and floor plans


§  Add a note hereConference rooms and offices
§  Add a note herePrivate briefing room
§  Add a note hereSecure area for security materials

Administrative Support

§  Add a note herePhotocopier machine
§  Add a note hereSatellite and aerial photography
§  Add a note hereSchematics and floor plans

Ancillary Equipment

§  Add a note hereStationery supplies
§  Add a note hereRubber gloves and plastic bags
§  Add a note hereMedical stores
§  Add a note hereAirconditioning or heating
§  Add a note hereBeds and showers
§  Add a note hereSecurable cabinets
§  Add a note herePaper shredder
§  Add a note hereAccess control (locks)
§  Add a note hereFood and water
§  Add a note herePower and lighting
Add a note hereAccess to the crisis control center should be restricted to only appropriate persons, and should be locked if the center is not operated during certain hours. Access to intranet sites or other information technology storage facilities or mediums should also be restricted and monitored. The location and resources available to the crisis control center, whether sited within the affected area or positioned outside of an impacted area, will determine what resources are required, as well as the level of security needed to secure this critical facility.


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